Introduction to my Babblings

Every once in a while I have my coffee in the morning and miss the discussions that I used to have with friends over morning coffee. So, I thought I may bring my side of the conversation here anyway. I am going to call it Coffee Bean Babblings and it will be a regular feature whenever I have something on my mind to babble about.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Children Beauty Pagents and Botox

I first heard about the San Francisco Mom injecting her little 8 year old daughter with Botox for beauty pageants on television and I was outraged. This morning I read that ABC News had over 18 thousand outraged individuals who commented in some form or another.

The sad thing is that they took the little girl from the home while the state investigates. I believe the mom is over the top, but they could have sat down with her and put together an agreement where she agreed not to use the Botox on her daughter while they investigated. Now this child will be forever changed and her idea of her mother will also be forever changed.

People might not agree with me, but I blame these stupid children's pageants. They drive these over-competitive women over the edge. They put children into adult roles walking up and down the runway in swim wear and evening gowns on display for their beauty and being compared to one another.

Childhood is a time when every little girl is a beautiful princess and should be cherished for the beauty and talents that God gave her. Every little girl no matter her body's shape or size is beautiful and every little boy is a handsome prince. These pageants make little girls who should only be worrying about what beautiful little outfit they are going to wear to school the next day become little adults worrying about wrinkles that aren't there.

As far as I am concerned all pageants should be for ages 16 and up. If the children's pageants were eliminated then most of this insanity would stop.

Moms, I beg you love your little ones just as God made them and cherish the fact that they are young and carefree, don't force them into adult roles.

For the 18 thousand other people that were outraged, let's band together and do something good!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that beauty pageants for kids are weird and inappropriate, but I don't think they are the sole cause of this madness. If you took away pageants there would still be crazy women trying to mold their child into something-- it's just a matter of whether it is socially accepted or not. Sounds to me like this woman has problems beyond the realm of beauty pageantry.
